Dear Feather River Foods Cooperative owners and shoppers,
We wanted to take the time to thank you all for the support you have shown during this unprecedented challenge of COVID-19. The Co-op is taking proactive steps to minimize the risk to our staff, owners, shoppers, and vendors while still providing the best service possible to everyone in our community.
At this time, we are experiencing an increase of positive cases among our staff at the Quincy location which has caused a strain on our ability to safely staff the store. We have made the decision to adjust our hours at our Quincy location this weekend as follows:
- Saturday January 8th, 2022 – open 7a-6p
- Sunday January 9th, 2022 – CLOSED
We will reopen for normal business on Monday January 10th, 2022.
Throughout the pandemic we have been following the CDC, CDPH, and Plumas County Health Department in regards to safety measures that have allowed us to evade positive cases among our staff up until now.
The co-op continues to offer the safest shopping experience for our members and shoppers through:
- A rigorous cleaning schedule. This includes frequently sanitizing high-touch locations like payment machines, scales, bathroom areas and, as mentioned above, carts and hand baskets.
- Requiring masks to be worn at all times while in our stores
- Offering curbside service for those that want to avoid the crowds or have been advised to stay home or minimize personal exposure. We encourage our community members to take advantage of this offering.
Our members and shoppers can rest assured that knowing that we are doing everything we can to bring you the safest shopping experience, keep our staff and customers healthy and safe, and make sure you have access to all the products you want and need.